“Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning.”
~ Robert John Meehan
I believe that when a teacher is passionate about learning she sparks a thirst for knowledge in the children she teaches. Teaching is an opportunity for me to nurture the curiosity of my students. As a teacher, it is my goal to love the children I teach, while instilling in them a love of learning. It is my hope that each day when my students walk through our classroom door that they feel loved and valued. I believe when my students feel treasured as individuals that they in turn feel safe to be risk takers in their learning. As a teacher of young children I strive to foster an environment where my students celebrate not only their own personal accomplishments and achievements, but also those of their classmates. It is my hope that through both shared and personal exploration and experiences that my students will begin to understand the notion that it is through their discoveries with trial and error where their true learning begins to take place. Through my twenty-nine years as an educator, I have come to understand and believe that by fostering a sense of wonder and collaboration within both my indoor and outdoor classrooms, that my students will not only learn, but more importantly, they will love to learn!